Spring St in Waltham
Click on a property below to view additional details.
- 14 -16 SPRING ST
Research And Development Facilities owned by CENTRAL REALTY TRUST; - 15 SPRING ST
Parking Lots - A Commercial Open Parking Lot For Motor Vehicles owned by GORDON REALTY INC. - 17 SPRING ST
Parking Lots - A Commercial Open Parking Lot For Motor Vehicles owned by GORDON REALTY INC. - 25 -29 SPRING ST
Office Building - Part Of Manufacturing Operation owned by I & I NOMINEE TRUST, IRA - 36 -44 SPRING ST
Telephone Exchange Stations owned by NEW ENGLAND TELEPHONE CO. - 41 -1 SPRING ST
Residential Condominium owned by SPURLOCK, SCOTT - 41 -2 SPRING ST
Residential Condominium owned by REIGO DE DIOS, MELINDA - 41 -3 SPRING ST
Residential Condominium owned by AGGARWAL, CHAITANYA - 43 -45 SPRING ST
Apartments With Four To Eight Units owned by ROSE LEGACY ESTATES LLC - 9 -11 SPRING ST
General Office Buildings owned by TRIVIO REALTY TRUST;